The “Soft” department (above) within the City Eco Lab’s Cabane a Outils (Tool Shed) presented a variety of soft tools such as software platforms, new economic models, and design research networks. The aim was to make visitors aware of the existence of such ‘soft’ tools and present a selection so that they would not be overwhelmed by what’s out there.
Designers Ellie Thornhill (above, left) and Bethany Koby (right) used a variety of physical containers to ‘contain’ the various soft tools. Some of these included:
Local Systems of Exchange
Complementary Currencies such as the Lewes Pound.
Short-term car poooling
Energy Descent Action Plan
Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Local Economy Trading System (LETS)
Spin Farming
AMAP (French community-suported agriculture (CSA)
Spot Scout – the eBay of parking spaces (which we reckoned could also be used for rooms)
Thing Link “Every thing has a story. We help people to link to it”
Etsy buy and sell all things hand-made
Mobile Banking
Time Bank
Fair Tracing
Alternate Reality Games
Ecosystem Valuation
Carbon Discosure
Ecological Footprint Calculator for Schools
Design Ethnography
Life Cycle Analysis
Sustainable Materials Selector
Ecodesign toolbox
Sustainable Measures
Appropriate Software
Intentional Communities