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Back to the Land 2.0 Reader (2019)

2022-10-06T16:55:45+00:00May 18th, 2019|food systems, urban-rural|

Annie Proulx on Barkskins | Simone Weil on The Need for Roots | Pamela Mang on Storying of Place | Jane Memmott on Ecosystem Interactions | Arturo Escobar on Buen Vivir | Gloria E. Anzaldúa on weaving | Ann Whiston Spirn on Bacterial Urbanism | Margaret Wheatley on Emergence | Molly Scott Cato on Gaian Economics | and many more

Wellness In A Regional Context: New Masters Course

2023-04-18T07:32:22+00:00April 28th, 2018|care|

Wellbeing is intimately linked to connection - to other people, but also to place, and the living systems that inhabit it. Relational design creates those connections (I helped design this Masters in Relational Design course for Bangor University; at this time - September 2022 - it has not been re-started since Covid).

Is Peak Car Headed for Seneca’s Cliff?

2022-10-04T10:10:13+00:00October 23rd, 2017|moving|

Two hundred people per second now climb onto a dockless bike somewhere in China. The bigger story? We may have reached a peak-car tipping point - a moment of system transformation - that's been slowly 'brewing' for a very long time. (This text follows my keynote at Seoul Smart Mobility International Conference).

From Gut to Gaia: The Internet of Things and Earth Repair

2023-04-21T16:33:29+00:00October 21st, 2017|civic ecology, earth repair|

On a recent visit to @IAAC in Barcelona, I was charmed by their Smart Citizen platform. It enables citizens to monitor levels of air or noise pollution around their home or business. This innovation is impressive - but it leaves a difficult question unanswered: Under what circumstances will possession of this data contribute to the system transformation that we so urgently need?

Signals of Transformation and How to Read Them

2022-10-04T10:10:15+00:00February 28th, 2017|knowing|

The design priority now is to foster better and richer connections between people, places and living systems - to reawaken a joyful sense of being at home in the natural world. This is where art and storytelling come in. (Interview with Sarah Dorkenwald for her book Visionen Gestalten).

Making as Reconnecting: Crafts In The Next Economy

2022-10-12T15:25:56+00:00February 27th, 2017|development|

The 'gig economy' and the 'precariat' may be uncomfortable novelties for people in the North - but for eighty percent of the world's population they are the old normal. As welfare and solidarity innovators, we have much to learn from different times as well as from different places. (An an edited version of my keynote to the Craft Reveals conference, Chiang Mai, 2016)

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