Last week I commented on the puerile computer game imagery being used in corporate advertising by firms like BT. Its now Unisys’ turn to insult our intelligence with its “3D Visible Enterprise” campaign. Every sentence is sententious. “It’s more predictable because it’s visible”. “Imagine any change, and know how it will affect every layer and process of your organization”. “You can see cause-effect relationships that were hidden”. “A highly predictive tool that allows you to see the results of your decisions before you make them”. This laughable guff flies in the face of 2,000 years of philosophical enquiry – not to mention more recent insights into the hard-to-preduct behaviour of complex systems. Dear Unisys: cancel this absurd campaign and give Doors of perception ten percent of the un-spent budget: it will save you from ridicule, and make you a smarter company.