What is a ‘living system’? Here are 20 elements of a green infrastructure. Do they need to be ‘designed’?  That’s for you to determine – by talking with the other folk who want to make them happen. 

1)    Wetlands

2)    Prairies

3)    Walk/Bike Trails

4)    Forests

5)    Open Green Space

6)    Savannahs

7)    Marshes

8)    Recreation space

9)    Preserves

10)  Swells/Swales

11)  Swamps

12)  Vegetation Corridors

13)  Biomes (and biotopes)

14)  Botanical Gardens

15)  Fauna Corridors

16)  Dunes

17)  Aquatic Systems

18)  Bluebelts

19)  Geothermal Wells

20) Fishing/Swimming Holes 
